the Summit dog blog & FAQ
Tips & Thoughts on training, boarding, care, and life with dogs.
summit faq
What should I bring with me when I drop off my dog for boarding?
Each dog has their own private room that we keep closed during the day, so you are more than welcome to bring any beds, blankets, toys, etc. that you think your dog would like. Additionally, please bring the proper amount of food that your dog needs for the entirety of their stay along with any medications (please include instructions).
How can I check in on my dog during boarding and daycare?
We are constantly updating our Facebook and Instagram accounts with posts of daycare and boarding dogs every day. Although we only post about 1x daily to our profile feed, our stories on both Facebook and Instagram are guaranteed to have your pup in it! But give us a call if you are not seeing enough of your dog and would like a photo texted to you.
What kind of schedule do you have for the dogs during boarding/daycare?
Because Summit is a low-capacity facility, we are able to have a free-flowing schedule that caters to the different packs we have each day. We are outside as much as possible (weather dependant), and find that the dogs can rest indoors comfortably without being in their rooms in most cases. Daycare/Boarding is a very stimulating environment too, so if we think the dogs need a break we will let them nap alone. All dogs are suppose to sleep 16 hours a day, to ensure they are getting enough rest time every dog gets a 1.5 - 2 hour nap in the middle of the day.
Do you do tours of your facility?
We are currently not offering tours of our facility, due to covid-19. We have walk through videos on our website where you can see the indoor area as well as the spacious rooms. Then drone footage of the 2 acre fenced in yard. We will be offering tours in the future once things have settled down and Jeff and Olivia feel safe inviting new clients back into where they live, Summit.